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will check out your other games too 

Thank you so much for playing our game and for video :) We would appreciate if you played our other games, just saying that they are complete different genres and they are 2D, but as I was saying, we appreciate your support :)

No worries, keep up the amazing work

This game is visually stunning! There are interesting mechanics, landscapes, and colour schemes at play, and with a well-placed story, I believe the sky is the limit! Well done developers!

Thank you very VERY much! We enjoyed your reaction and are very happy that you enjoyed our game :)

Thank you for the positive feedback and reaction to our game, couldn't be more perfect!

Thank you so much for playing our game and for making a video about it :)  we appreciate it!!

This game was super pretty to look at and I really like the premise. I could totally play several hours of a game like this. Keep up the good work!

Thank youuu!! we are happy that you played our game, made a video and that you enjoyed it! it means a lot :)


Where do I even start on this game? EVERYTHING. and I truly mean everything from the unique visuals, level design, the perfect music and voiceover, UI, to the scannable items and structures WAS BEAUTIFUL. I finally got the time to play it in the peace of my home (I already tried it on klauzury lol) and the replay was worth it! I especially love the shape language of the different areas, such a cool way to distinguish them from each other... AMAZING job guys! :)


aaaaAAAAAAAAA THANK YOUUU!!! we really appreciate your feedback, you are so sweeett <3 I must say I love your projects, you have pretty cool ideas for games :)

NP!!!!! and thanks a lot :)

If you are having issues download the Zip File from the Browser NOT the APP

Thanks for your correction

I really enjoyed the scanning concept.  I couldn't find all of the things to scan, but this was a very cool idea.

Thank you for your feedback and video! :) and it is completely fine if you havent found all the things to scan, they are optional